Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Medication in the Han Dunasty

Medication of the Chinese during the Han Dynasty was based on beliefs and practices that came together. Their major belief was that every thing should be in harmony so that there will be nothing wrong with the person’s health. When ever someone was sick it meant that the person’s body was not in harmony. The health of a person was good when everything was in balance. Things that would change someone’s inner balance would be; desire, moral sin, change in temperature, and a change in the environment. By feeling the pulse of the person at different places in the body, it would give us information; like the location that the illness is coming from, and what developed this sickness. One of the discovery that they made was, if you wanted to know if the person was sick or not, you could find out by looking at the color of the skin of the person, tints of different colors on the person’s skin gave more information about the illness that the person has. They also knew the symptoms of the illness, but also they knew the solutions for them. Acupuncture is one of their solution to restore the inner peace. This therapy is used to restore the body’s natural harmony. Acupuncture is done by inserting needles into the parts of the body where it is known that there is the most stress. Other therapeutic options were; massages, changes in died, and burning pieces of flesh with plant material. Many of the medicines that were used in European pharmacology was discovered by the Chinese. These medicines were used so that they could treat burns, hemorrhoids, skin diseases and fever. This could be treated by using plants, animal preparation, and human elements.

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