Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Civil Service in the Han Dynasty

The Bureaucracy had 18 gifferent positions of civil service jobs: these were jobs that one would get by taking an examination.The emperors of the Han before Wudi had already picked out Confucian scholars to be court advisors, since Wudi was emperor he could choose who he wanted. Wudi wanted all of his government officials to be respectful, generous, truthful, and kind because that is what Confucianism teaches gentlemen to be. Wudi wanted people applying to get a job to come and study Confucius works, so he built schools. Emperors would reward followers that did the right thing by giving them government positions. Under the Han was another way to fill the government post. This way of filling the government post involved testing the person’s knowledge about Confucianism. These exams were for any job applicants; since a few peasants could afford to pay for their kid’s education, only the sons of the wealthy could have this job. The civil service worked so well that it continued until 1912.text book: World History by McDougal Littell

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